
(Q&A) Useful tips for BMW ICOM ISTA Coding and Programming

Here share with you some useful tips and knowledge when talking about BMW Coding and BMW Programming by ISTA Rheingold!

Check below Q&A: (Questions raised by a beginner and answered by a professional)
Q: Is it safe to update software with ISTA on all BMW's that come through my shop ? What problems can I run into? (assuming I have a good power supply for car and laptop)
A: Depends on many factors, but as long as you use a good ICOM and a good power supply, you should be OK.

Q: Can updates on comfort mode, brick an ECU (or more)?
A: As long as you stick to the proposed measures plan in Comfort Mode and your setup (laptop, software etc.) is solid, there shouldn't be any opportunity to brick an ECU.

Q: If updates are safe, on what series can I do them ? BMW F, G for sure..can I do E ?
A: F, G and I series and for Motorrad models with vehicle electrical system 2020 (BN2020). E Series programming is not supported in ISTA+, use ISTA/P or WinKFP for individual modules. BMW ENET Cable you may also need.

Q: Updates for Navi maps, can I do them in ISTA also ? Again, is it safe ? Do you recommend E-Sys more for this job ?
A: I have not attempted this with ISTA+, but would assume process is similar to ISTA/P. I'd stick with ESYS strictly for ease of use.

Q: I have an BMW ICOM A2+B+C with ISTA all OK. And I understand that E-Sys is more complex than ISTA, regarding coding and programming for F-Series, as NCSExpert and WINkfp are for E-Series. You can do coding in ISTA also right ? for all series ? Or ISTA does less ?
A: You need to differentiate between coding and "encoding". ISTA+ will do "encoding" depending on the programming required. That is not the same as coding (features). I don't think I'd say ESYS is more complicated than ISTA+, each are different in the way they approach coding/programming.

Hope this blog helps you!

BMW Coding and Programming related tools all here:
BMW ENET Coding Cable
BMW INPA K+DCAN with FT232RQ Chip and Switch

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